Don't Ignore Stomach Pain!

Around us or often we ourselves complain of discomfort in the stomach, which destroys peace. Most of such diseases are related to diet, what a person eats, how much he eats and how he uses water.

Heartburn is usually felt between the breasts in the form of heartburn and acidity. This is due to the acid of the stomach entering the esophagus and with this irritation the taste in the mouth becomes bad. Other signs of acidity include coughing and hiccups, hoarseness of voice, bad breath and feeling of bloating.

The increased acidity in the stomach causes the ulcer to bleed, which can turn into an ulcer and can be fatal. Ulcer is a common stomach disease. But if the ulcer is not cured and the pain continues, it is time to worry because the matter may worsen.

Are you suffering from stomach problems like indigestion, heartburn, acidity, ulcers and constipation?

Nature and Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Diseases

Dr. Sartaj said about gastrointestinal diseases/diseases that they are of two types, one is a common problem called benign and the other is malignant.

Benign is common disease while Malignant is called cancer. Benign causes gastritis, gastric ulcer, peptic ulcer. Symptoms of both conditions are similar, such as loss of appetite, heartburn, stomach pain or bitter water in the mouth or indigestion, bloating after eating, headache, frequent vomiting. 

Cooking, nervousness, fast heart beat, chest pain, cold sweats also often at night because people go to sleep after eating.

Apart from these, some other symptoms of stomach cancer are also added, such as weight loss, loss of appetite, frequent vomiting and old food in the vomit, which was eaten two or three days ago. Or experiencing a lump in the stomach.

What is the relationship between gastroenterology and psychology?

When Dr. Sartaj was asked about the stomach and psychology, he said that depression affects the stomach a lot. Generally we say that we have two nervous systems, one is the brain and the other we call the stomach because the stomach has to run the whole system. 

When the stomach is upset, the mind will also be affected. Likewise, if you take depressants, your stomach will also get upset, which is followed by stress ulcers.

Stomach cancer is detected at an advanced stage

He said that the symptoms of cancer are similar to those of normal gastrointestinal problems. That's why people don't take it seriously. Cancer is detected by endoscopy and biopsy.

 If you want to diagnose cancer at an early stage, endoscopy is done for it, but one is that endoscopy is expensive and the other is that it is a little painful, so people hesitate and consider the symptoms of pain as normal. Therefore, stomach cancer is usually detected in the last stage after the disease has progressed.

Stomach cancer is a type of tumor or tumor. It is not known until it blocks the stomach. In case of block, any diet is not eaten or what is eaten is vomited. By the time the weight starts to drop rapidly, the cancer has reached stage 3 or 4.

The doctor said that people suffering from stomach problems are prescribed stool antigen test, which people are reluctant to do. If this test is done in time, the diagnosis of ulcer and cancer is early, which makes the treatment timely which is 10 to 15 days and avoids complications.

Causes and Precautions of Gastrointestinal Diseases

Dr. Sahib further said that nowadays stomach ulcer and cancer has increased significantly, which is due to our diet. Earlier we used to eat fresh food, now the use of canned food is more and pure food is not available. As far as milk is concerned, we use cans, which contain chemicals.

He said that human beings have a physiology. Just as if we follow our normal routine then we stay refreshed if we stay up all night and sleep the next day then we will be disturbed, similarly if our digestive routine is disturbed then the whole system gets upset.

Therefore, take care of your food routine, do not sleep immediately after eating, exercise, do not eat too much at once. Even if you eat three or four rotis, eat at intervals but do not eat full at one time. Also drink water either before or during meals but not immediately after meals.

Dr. Sartaj advised that it is better to use bland food when stomach pain or irritation starts. Eat more fruits and vegetables, use spaghol before breakfast, drink more water, avoid eating out to avoid stomach problems and diseases.

Avoid spicy foods, don't eat raw onions, quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Treatment is also useless while smoking and drinking alcohol, stop consuming junk foods and carbonated drinks and canned food. Big meat increases cancer, so keep the consumption of meat reasonable, sour and fat increase the pain, sour things, even if it is orange, increase acidity and because fat is not digested in the stomach, it causes evaporation. It would cause pain. Eat clean food.

Following these things will give a lot of relief. There will also be no acidity and the ulcer heals to a great extent.

Stomach is a very important organ of our body, for optimal performance of all bodily functions, it is necessary to keep the stomach healthy and functioning properly.

Therefore, it is our personal responsibility to take care of the health of the stomach. We should load our stomach as much as it can handle.

In the last two or three years, I have seen my friends suffering from stomach problems. It is painful enough for those who are suffering and also for us who find our loved ones in this agony.

Two of my friends' mothers also died of stomach cancer. Therefore, do not ignore the occasional stomach discomfort, in case of discomfort, do a stool antigen test and endoscopy on the instructions of the physician. Also, always remember that precaution is better than cure, so be careful with what you eat and drink to avoid discomfort.