Side effects and treatment of constipation

Constipation occurs when bowel movements slow down and stool becomes difficult to pass. This is often due to changes in diet or routine, or insufficient fiber intake. You should call your doctor if you have severe pain, blood in your stool, or constipation that lasts longer than three weeks.

Constipation is something we don't talk about often, but it affects 25% of the population, mostly women. This means that many of us are suffering in silence.

 And while most people think of constipation as just an annoying symptom, it can also be the root cause of fatigue, weight gain, poor mood, and many other symptoms and conditions.

How does constipation occur?

Constipation occurs because your colon absorbs too much water from the waste (feces), which dries out the stool, making it hard to be consistent and harder to push out of the body. To back up a bit, as food normally passes through the digestive tract, nutrients are absorbed.

 Partially digested food (waste) that continues to move from the small intestine to the large intestine, called Also called the colon. The colon absorbs water from the waste, which produces a solid substance called stool.

 If you are constipated, food may move very slowly through the digestive tract. The stool has more time to absorb water from the stool. Therefore the stool becomes hard and its pulling becomes very difficult.

What are the symptoms of constipation?

Symptoms of constipation include:

Your bowel movements are lesser than 3 per week_

Your dung is usually hard, dry or wet_

Your bowel movements are difficult or painful. –

You have a stomach ache. –

You feel bloated and nauseous. –

You feel like you haven't emptied your bowels completely after passing a stool. –

How Constipation Destroys Your Health?

Most people consider constipation to be a symptom rather than the cause of their health problems.

Constipation may also prove to be the basic cause of some other symptoms and conditions.

  Constipation can wreak havoc on your insides, stemming from one of three main problems;

 Absorption of toxins in the colon:

 including hormones that are normally excreted in the stool –

Intestinal flora imbalance:

 A decrease in healthy species and unwanted bacteria or –

 Structural effects of large hard stools:

 and the stress they usually cause –

These are mechanisms that can cause a whole range of unwanted symptoms and side effects of constipation on the body that you may be struggling with right now.

10 Side Effects of Constipation on the Body (and Mind) That We See Almost Every Day

Effects of constipation on fatigue

Constipation and fatigue go hand in hand. .Dysbiosis caused by constipation can increase the fermentation of carbohydrates and the production of various gases, including the strong-smelling hydrogen sulfide that causes damage to the mitochondria that produce energy inside our cells.

 A lack of healthy flora in the gut can also reduce the absorption of nutrients needed for energy and normal bodily function. Poor detoxification of toxins that may enter the bloodstream can also affect energy levels and cause fatigue.

Effects of constipation on inflammation

Bloating usually occurs when gas is trapped in your gastrointestinal tract. This causes your abdominal area to visibly swell. However, many people experience a painful feeling of fullness. also used to describe the bloating that can occur when severe constipation occurs.

 You may just feel full and uncomfortable because you haven't had a proper bowel movement in days. But you You still have to eat, and what you eat can make you feel worse.

Constipation effects on the skin

Another side effect of constipation-related toxicity is acne and skin breakouts. This happens when toxins and waste are reabsorbed into the bloodstream through the colon instead of being eliminated. From the bloodstream, These toxins can exit the body through its largest detoxification organ, the skin.

 Another mechanism by which constipation can affect the skin is through changes in gut bacteria. Research has found that 54% of acne patients had a significant change in gut flora, while probiotics (beneficial bacteria) have also been shown to reduce symptoms.

Effects of Constipation on North Intestinal Bacterial Orgro (SIBO)

Constipation is one of the biggest risk factors and one of the most common causes of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Move into the intestine where they don't belong, thought to be responsible for up to 80 percent of IBS cases.

 Although the most common symptoms associated with SIBO are constipation, diarrhea, and extreme bloating, it is also associated with fatigue, weight gain, and many of the other issues discussed here.

Effects of constipation on weak nails and fine hair

Malnutrition can affect the growth of hair and nails. And as we know, a lack of healthy flora in the gut can also reduce the absorption of many nutrients needed for energy and growth. Excess toxins are reabsorbed into the bloodstream, helping to maintain your beauty.

 Doesn't help, putting you at risk of brittle nails and thinning hair. It may not seem as bad as some of the other side effects of constipation, but it can affect our overall health and well-being.

Effects of constipation on poor immunity

Our gut flora are responsible for most of the body's immune responses, including removing cellular debris, viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells. Because constipation is often associated with missing or damaged bacteria (gut flora), the effect on your immune system can be significant.

 The toxic build-up and inflammation associated with constipation can also impair the immune system and put you at risk for infections such as urinary tract infections.

Effects of constipation on excess estrogen in the body

Constipation can block the release of unwanted estrogen from the body and promote its reabsorption. We are exposed to many environmental sources of estrogen through toxins such as hormones in plastics, drugs and animal proteins.

 This means that most people have excess estrogen that needs to be eliminated each day. If we are constipated, this excess estrogen can be reabsorbed in the colon and cause elevated estrogen levels, a condition that is also associated with allergies, weight gain and fatigue.

Effects of constipation on structural conditions

In addition to functional and chronic disease, constipation can also cause structural problems that may require surgical intervention. Straining during bowel movements and sitting on the toilet for extended periods can result in hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, And there can be fissures.

 Hard stools and increased intra-abdominal pressure are thought to put extra pressure on the veins around the anus and increase the risk of hemorrhoids.

 The connective tissue around the anus can also weaken, causing rectal prolapse, a condition in which the rectum protrudes through the anus. Also, passing hard or large stools can also cause fissures.

Effects of constipation on faecal impaction

Faecal impaction is the result of chronic or severe constipation and is basically a bowel obstruction caused by stool that has hardened in the colon to the point where it is causing a solid blockage.

 Loose stools can bypass infected stool, causing overflow incontinence, which is often mistakenly labeled as diarrhea. In severe cases, fecal impaction can cause ulcers or intestinal rupture. 

Actually it can be one of the harmful complications of constipation.

Effects of constipation on depression and anxiety

Your gut and your brain are connected to your nervous system, so how do you sense what your digestive system is doing?

 When something causes stress, your body's first reaction is to All non-essential systems, such as the digestive and reproductive organs, may be shut down, so that they can channel their energy into the fight-or-flight response.

And it's the side effects of constipation that people are often unaware of that make a huge difference in our daily lives.

Treatment of constipation

Most cases of constipation can be managed at home. Some recommendations to help relieve your constipation include: Good sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole-grain breads and cereals. Fiber and water help colonic stools.

Fiber content is mostly present in the skins of the fruits for example apple skin.

  Fruits with seeds that you can eat, such as strawberries, have the most fiber. Bran is a great source of fiber. 

Focus on regular consumption of bran cereal or bran cereal should necessarily be included in your other foods such as soups and yogurt. Eighteen to thirty grams of fiber should be consumed daily by constipation patients.

Dehydration in your body can also be caused by some drinkable liquids containing caffeine such as coffee and soft drinks.

You should keep yourself away from these products until your bowel movements return to normal.

 Treat mild constipation with a dietary supplement such as magnesium.

Try to move your bowels when you experience the urge.

  Don't wait.