Health benefits of milk

Milk does not contain harmful additives like artificial sweeteners, preservatives and chemical coloring agents. It also contains the good antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K and vitamin B12.

It is one of the richest sources of vitamin A, and also of calcium and protein. It also offers calcium and protein to the body in the form of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and iron.

A study conducted in 2010 by the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that every serving of milk provides over 20 percent of the daily nutritional value required to meet the recommended daily energy needs.

Milk contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements and a large amount of protein for good health. It also helps in maintaining blood sugar levels in the body by reducing the carbohydrate content in the blood.

Apart from this, milk helps to absorb calcium and protein in the body. It also keeps the bones healthy and strengthens the immunity.

When you drink milk, the lactose gets converted into the digestible glucose. When you consume lots of milk in a meal, you are consuming glucose. Most of the lactose is turned into milk-derived glycogen which is stored in the muscles as glycogen to be used later as energy.

Milk helps you to maintain a healthy gut which is also an important aspect for the overall well-being. The good bacteria in the gut also help to maintain a healthy bowel movement.

Benefits of drinking milk

• The anti-ageing benefits of milk are quite noticeable. It contains the anti-ageing anti-inflammatory and skin-lightening properties that help in minimizing wrinkles, blemishes and dark spots on the skin. It also has anti-ageing benefits that help to maintain healthy skin.

• Milk helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. It has a high content of phosphorous, which can help to keep the body functional by improving blood circulation in the body.

It also reduces cholesterol levels and ensures good heart health. It also helps to lower the risk of several kinds of cancers, high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, stroke and even osteoporosis.

• Milk is one of the best foods for the digestive system. It has a large amount of proteins that help to support the digestive system by providing a satisfying feeling of fullness in the stomach. It also helps to lower cholesterol levels in the body, which improves the overall health of the digestive system.

Dairy substitutes may be available in the market but they have many disadvantages. They are chemically processed, which can be harmful to the health of a person. Apart from this, the milk substitutes are just another variation of dairy products.

Milk (formulated) helps you to shed off weight

Yes, it is true! The presence of fat in the milk is known to turn to body fat. And we can consume milk as a drink without having fat content. If you are under-weight and want to lose weight, then milk is known to help you in that.

Milk helps you to fight infections

With a glass of milk in the morning, the metabolism of the body is boosted up and the body gets activated to fight infections. The good bacteria in the gut help to kill off the microbes in the gut which can lead to the bad gut.

Milk helps in reducing nausea and vomiting

Apart from the immense energy and nutrition that milk provides to you, it also reduces the nausea and vomiting in the stomach. If you are on a strict diet, you must have taken it on a consistent basis which will not only boost up your metabolism but also reduce the sicknessiness.

Milk is a good source of calcium

With the vast amount of calcium that is contained in milk, it helps in increasing your bone strength. The levels of calcium in your body is known to be very low but you must be eating healthy, calcium-rich food to be able to meet your requirements.

Calcium in milk helps reduce calcium absorption in the stomach, which prevents calcium deposits from forming on the bones.

Milk helps you to stay energised all day long

If you consume milk, you will have adequate energy to work out the whole day without getting tired. The major fatty acids are known to help you to absorb energy all throughout the day and your hunger will be satisfied without the feeling of being hungry.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D can prove to be helpful in maintaining bone health.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids from milk can help reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.


Dairy is a good source of protein. The protein from milk also aids the body in producing hormones.

Food allergies

Milk helps your immune system function properly. It is also known to help reduce food allergies.


Milk increases bone density and reduces bone loss.

Heart health

Milk consumption can reduce blood pressure. It also helps protect against atherosclerosis and reduces cholesterol.

Postmenopausal depression

Milk consumption can help support the recovery and repair of the endocrine system of a woman postmenopause.

Brain health

Milk is known to help preserve brain health, and the evidence suggests that regular consumption may help to reduce the risk of dementia.

Milk has the ability to replenish fats that have been lost through daily calorie restriction. The fats and nutrients found in milk are beneficial for the body and brain. These include

However, people can safely consume only up to 12 percent of their total daily caloric intake from milk. Because it has a high fat content, it is recommended that people avoid drinking milk while under the age of one.

Milk is a good source of energy, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorous, and proteins and when you are pregnant, milk is also known to be good for the baby. Therefore, consuming milk is seen to be very beneficial to a woman's health.