Surprising health benefits of bananas

If you have a banana on hand, try to grab a mid-morning snack with it. You will be surprised to know how the banana is beneficial for your body. It is one of the most versatile fruits, which can be used in various ways for different purposes.

Here are few health benefits of banana which will make you want to include it in your daily diet.The iron and fibre content in bananas are excellent for heart health. And they are packed with vitamin B6, fibre, manganese and potassium.

According to a study, eating the banana instead of eating white rice can help reduce the risk of getting heart disease. The yellowish skin of the banana is loaded with dietary fibre and is helpful for weight loss. Banana is a good source of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, folate, niacin, potassium and phosphorus.

According to a study, magnesium in bananas has been linked to reduced blood pressure, high blood sugar, triglycerides, lipid levels, free radical damage and inflammation. It also helps in bone health. A study suggests that bananas help in reducing inflammation and cholesterol levels.

According to a study, drinking two tablespoons of mashed banana has been shown to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 59 per cent. This is because this healthy banana drink has high levels of potassium. In a study, 500g serving of banana was found to provide 20 per cent of the daily recommended amount of calcium.

This delicious yellow-fleshed fruit is loaded with antioxidants that help protect the cells in the body against the harmful effects of free radicals.

According to a study, 500g serving of banana provides 5% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin E and potassium. A study suggests that bananas are good for your eyes.

Studies show that eating 100g portion of banana every day will help prevent cataracts and other age related eye problems. A study showed that a 200g serving of banana a day will help reduce the risk of several types of cancer.

The yellow bananas are great for your heart. According to a study, 200g portion of banana every day is good for heart health and improves blood flow to the heart. Researchers suggest eating a banana each day to lower the risk of heart disease.

This popular fruit helps to keep the arteries clean. A study showed that eating 100g portion of banana every day will help lower your blood pressure. The vitamin B1 in the banana is also good for your heart health. Banana is good for maintaining weight.

Studies show that a high-protein diet with banana can help maintain weight. Bananas are also a good source of vitamin B6 and fiber. The tropical fruit is also low in calories. The high potassium content of the fruit helps in reducing the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.

Bananas improve the oral health and can help to reduce the risk of gum disease. Bananas are a good source of manganese. According to a study, bananas can be used as a fluoride treatment for baby teeth, which can reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Bananas can prevent the risk of cancer. A study says that eating bananas one or two times a week can reduce the risk of stomach cancer by 59 per cent.
Bananas are a good source of antioxidants that can help to prevent cellular damage caused due to free radicals.These health benefits of banana will make you want to eat it every day.

Bananas contain small amounts of carbohydrates but are rich in minerals such as potassium, iron and magnesium, as well as fibre and are rich in vitamin B6.

They contain no trans-fats or cholesterol and are easy to digest.

Bananas are sweet, soft and tend to be dried. Some varieties contain small amounts of gluten and lactose.

Bananas are useful for skin

In addition to the obvious health benefits of a daily fruit, bananas are great for the skin as well.

Though they are sometimes described as superfoods, you don't have to eat tons of bananas to reap the benefits. Many people use bananas to remove toxins from their skin and to help make the surface more supple and smooth.

The B vitamin, biotin, helps to boost cell turnover in the skin, encouraging the proliferation of new cells. Eating bananas is also a great way to consume adequate amounts of potassium, another mineral with skin-benefiting properties.

1. Foods and vitamins

1/4 cup of cooked bananas contains 1/4 cup of potassium and contains other nutrients like vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, iron, thiamin, niacin, phosphorus, riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid, vitamin C and magnesium.

The fiber content of bananas is also very good. It may prove to be helpful in reducing the risk of heart diseases and diabetes as well. The high fiber content in bananas help to control diabetes.

2. Improves digestion

2/4 cup of cooked bananas provides the amount of magnesium that some individuals get from eating one chocolate bar. The magnesium helps in regulating the bowel movements. The fibre content of bananas is also responsible for improving the digestion.

2/4 cup of cooked bananas are also rich in fructose, which acts as a natural sweetener. When a woman is lactating, the natural sugars from the breast milk should be gradually replaced with fructose. Fructose helps in keeping the blood sugar levels stable. So, consuming 2-3 bananas daily will provide her with all the benefits mentioned above.

Raw banana is believed to have a laxative effect. It can help the bowel movement to start sooner than expected. But it is not recommended to eat too many bananas before the bowel movement. So, having a small amount of the raw banana can be a good option to prevent constipation.

3. Prevents constipation

Consuming a banana along with a glass of milk at night, will help in getting relief from constipation. The high fibre content of bananas makes them a perfect digestive food.

4. Fights inflammation

1 medium boiled banana also contains vitamin C, which is known to be a good anti-inflammatory agent. The fibre content in a banana contains aminos and tannins which are known to inhibit the inflammation and restore the digestive system to normal.

5. Improves cardiovascular health

Due to the fibre content in bananas, it can regulate the blood sugar level. According to the studies, potassium content in a banana can help in lowering blood pressure. Bananas are also known to reduce inflammation and cholesterol, which are known to be the factors that lead to heart diseases and high cholesterol.

• High fibre content in bananas also keeps the cholesterol in check, as fibre helps in keeping the cholesterol content in control.

• A banana can be consumed after each meal to promote digestion and to keep constipation at bay.

How to include it in the daily diet?

Fresh bananas are a good option for daily consumption. They are abundant in nutrients. Therefore, it is recommended that every day a banana should be consumed.

It is also advisable that the bananas should be refrigerated before eating. Banana is a tropical fruit, so it should be consumed within 24 hours after ripening.

People allergic to raw banana should avoid consuming bananas. The experts suggest that eating bananas less frequently can also help in treating constipation.

2 bananas every day for better health, health and beauty and also for better bowel movements.

Boost up immunity

Eat a banana every day and use its nutrient for better health, immunity and skin.

What Else To Do?

Bananas can also be used in a very effective way to treat severe jaundice.

Raw banana is a great source of antioxidants. The nutrients present in banana can also reduce the risk of getting cancer. So, consume the natural fruit every day and stay fit!