6 treatments of kidney stones, its symptoms and causes

Nowadays, kidney stones have become a common problem that anyone can face. These stones are similar to calcium stones that accumulate in the kidneys due to poor functioning of the kidneys. It is possible for a stone to remain in a part of the kidney for a long time, but when it leaves its place and is expelled, it is very painful. 

These stones break off from the kidneys and travel to the bladder and are eventually passed out through the urethra. While surgery may be required to remove the stone. Symptoms of kidney stones can not only persist for a long time, but the patient can also experience severe pain.

Symptoms of kidney stones

Symptoms of kidney stones may include the following:
Blood in urine –
Vomit –
Nausea –
Frequent urination –
Strong smelling urine –
Passing urine in very small quantity –
Fever –
Severe pain under the ribs and in the back –
Brown, pink, or red urine –
Lower abdominal pain –
Experiencing pain or burning while urinating –
These symptoms can be caused by four types of kidney stones.

Types of kidney stones

There are four types of kidney stones which are as follows.

The Sistine Stones

This type of stone is found in very few people. The main cause of these stones is a hereditary disease called cystine urea. Cysteines are actually non-essential amino acids. These stones are mostly formed in children and teenagers.

Uric acid stones

Uric acid stones (stones) form in people who lose too much water due to diarrhea. People who have diabetes or who eat a high-protein diet can also develop these stones. Certain genetic problems can also increase the risk of this stone.

Calcium stones

Most people face this stone. The main reason for this stone is the increase in the amount of calcium in the urine. In the kidneys, these stones are formed in the form of calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate. Oxalate is a substance that the liver makes every day. Oxalates are found in some fruits, nuts, and chocolate.

Struvite Stones

This type of stone is also called infection stone. These stones are made up of magnesium, calcium, and ammonium phosphate and can also form due to kidney infections. When this stone grows in the kidneys, it is not felt and the patient feels only mild pain.
These four types of gallstones can happen to anyone. These types of symptoms can have different causes.

Causes of kidney stones

The causes of kidney stone formation can be as follows.

High consumption of meat

High consumption of poultry and red meat increases the risk of gallstones. According to some medical research, people who eat less meat are at risk of developing gallstones.

High intake of salt

Consuming too much salt in the daily diet causes calcium to accumulate in the kidneys, which increases the risk of kidney stones. If you are not facing high blood pressure, you can consume up to 2300 mg of salt per day, while in case of high blood pressure, do not consume more than 1500 mg of salt.

Too little calcium intake

It is true that kidney stones are formed due to calcium, but it is not wise to give up calcium altogether. People who get the required amount of calcium every day have a lower chance of developing stones. If the daily diet is deficient in calcium, other chemicals will combine with calcium to increase the risk of stone formation.

Intestinal diseases

Various intestinal diseases can also cause stones to form. Most people with intestinal disease develop cholera, which causes dehydration in the body, which in turn increases the amount of stones-causing chemicals.

Consumption of soft drinks

Staying hydrated reduces the risk of stone formation. Some people use soft drinks or sugary drinks to compensate for dehydration, which not only causes dehydration but also increases the risk of stone formation.

Less consumption of sour fruits

Malt, grapefruits, and lemons contain compounds that reduce the risk of gallstones. Daily consumption of lemon reduces the amount of chemicals that cause stones.

All of these factors can increase the risk of kidney stone symptoms. But with the help of certain foods and home remedies, it can also be avoided.

Treatment of kidney stones

If you are facing kidney stones, regular consumption of these foods can help alleviate the symptoms.


Watermelon is rich in potassium which helps in reducing the acidity of urine. Along with this, it also contains a good amount of water which does not allow the body to get dehydrated. By ensuring its consumption, the risks of stones can be reduced.

Consumption of beverages

People who want to avoid or get rid of kidney stone symptoms should drink more water to help pass the stone through urine or reduce its risks. Fruit juices can be consumed along with water but avoid soft drinks.

Use of lemons

Lemons are rich in stearic acid, which is very useful for maintaining kidney health. It also contains citrate which reduces the chances of stone formation.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains ingredients that help flush out unnecessary toxins and the stearic acid in it also prevents stone formation.

Use of beans

Beans are rich in B vitamins, fiber, and many minerals that are helpful in cleaning the kidneys. Along with this, these ingredients also improve the urinary tract. Beans can also be used boiled or cooked.

The use of poppy seeds

Potassium plays a very important role in improving kidney health. The required amount of potassium can be obtained from poppy seeds. According to medical experts, kidney stones can be avoided by consuming poppy seeds daily. Consuming these foods during kidney stones can be beneficial. However, some abstinence must also be done during this stone.

 It is necessary to avoid tea, dried fruits, spinach, strawberries, and fruits and vegetables that are rich in salts. If the symptoms of kidney stones do not improve despite following home remedies and precautions, you should A specialist should be consulted.