Foods that help protect against heart disease

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and are caused by problems with the heart muscle, valve, or heart beat.

This is the reason why World Heart Disease Prevention Day is celebrated on September 29 every year to prevent heart diseases.

Problems in the blood vessels such as their stiffness, poor diet, lack of physical activity and smoking are considered to be common causes of heart disease, while high blood pressure, infections etc. also increase the risk.

However, the good news is that you can keep heart disease at bay with a healthy lifestyle and diet.

We are going to tell you about some eatables that may prove to be helpful for you to prevent heart diseases. Include these to your daily life diet to minimize the risks of deadly heart diseases. All these are recommended by experts and doctors. Positive results of these eatables have been proved by experiments.

So adding the following foods to your diet can help protect against heart disease in middle age or old age.


A study from the University of Eastern Finland found that eating fatty fish 4 times a week can help increase the level of healthy cholesterol in the body and reduce the risk of heart disease. It has also been shown earlier that omega-3 fatty acids in fish reduce the risk of abnormal heart rate changes, toxic build-up in the arteries, etc.


Regular consumption of porridge helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol by five to ten percent, which reduces the risk of heart diseases. According to a study, oatmeal contains beta-glucans, a type of fiber that is beneficial for the body's response to disease and infection, along with improving the performance of the immune system.

 The use of cereals found in the market is not beneficial in this regard, because sugar is added to them, however, soaking raw barley porridge in milk and sweetening it with apples, raisins etc. Can be made more profitable.


Blueberries and strawberries are helpful in lowering blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart attacks, and these delicious fruits also help dilate blood vessels, preventing heart disease. Helps to avoid

Dark chocolate

Several medical research reports have shown that dark chocolate is beneficial for heart health, due to the chemical flavonoids it contains that help keep arteries flexible. This sweet treat also reduces the risk of blood clots while not increasing harmful cholesterol levels.

Sour fruits

Women who are accustomed to eating high amounts of malt and grapefruit have a lower risk of stroke caused by blood clots. The one is the component. A study found that eating one malta daily can help prevent stroke and heart disease, especially if you are a smoker.


Potatoes are rich in potassium, which helps lower blood pressure, and are also high in fiber, which also helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Just avoid eating too many potatoes.


Like potatoes, tomatoes are high in heart-healthy potassium while also being a good source of the antioxidant lycopene. This antioxidant can help get rid of harmful cholesterol, which keeps blood vessels wide and reduces the risk of heart attack.


Eating small amounts of almonds daily reduces dyslipidemia, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Dyslipidemia is a condition in which the levels of bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides are elevated while the levels of beneficial cholesterol are decreased, resulting in an increased risk of heart disease.


Lentils are very fruitful for the heart while they are also rich in antioxidants, protein and fiber. A study found that people who made pulses a part of their diet 4 times a week reduced their risk of heart disease by 22%.

Olive Oil

There are two types of cholesterol, one is LDL (bad) and the other is HDL (good), to prevent heart disease it is important to keep the level of LDL low while the level of the other is to increase. One way to do this is to eat a diet rich in olive oil, vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

green tea

Just one cup of green tea is enough to prevent blood clotting as a result of cholesterol, besides, this hot drink also helps in reducing excess weight by improving metabolism, which also prevents diseases. The risk of heart and heart attack is reduced.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables like spinach, greens etc. make the heart more healthy, the carotene in them works as antioxidants to protect the body from harmful compounds. Similarly, these vegetables are also rich in fiber and various vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for heart health.


Consuming three to five cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of blood clots in the arteries that lead to heart attacks. According to a study, the consumption of moderate amounts of coffee reduces the risk of harmful calcium in the arteries, which leads to heart disease. An increase in this calcium causes the blood vessels to harden and narrow and form clots, which increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.


Rich in antioxidants, this fruit lowers blood pressure while normalizing blood circulation, which helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks.


A University of Alabama study found that potassium-rich foods may help protect against the life-threatening process of narrowing of blood vessels or blood clotting. The study revealed that potassium regulates genes that maintain the flexibility of arteries. The researchers said that the habit of eating just one banana per day can help prevent stroke and heart attack.


A Boston University School of Medicine study found that making yogurt a habit can reduce the risk of diseases related to blood vessels, including heart disease and blood pressure. The researchers said that the results provide important evidence that yogurt is beneficial for heart health and should be made an integral part of the diet. High consumption of yogurt reduces the risk of coronary artery disease by 30% in women and 19% in men.