Heart diseases, their kinds, symptoms and their relation with mental health

Not every chest pain is a heart attack, but it should never be neglected. Apart from this, the symptoms of heart disease can be other than chest pain, such as heartburn, muscle spasms, etc. 

Not only in our country, heart diseases are also common in developed countries and 40% of deaths in America are caused by heart disease. That's why we need to know about it and take precautions.

A healthy heart

A healthy heart is related to your age, so it needs to be taken care of at every age. The most important things are a good diet, regular light exercise and a regular life. Therefore, in addition to the restriction of sleeping and waking hours, positive thinking is also important. The most important thing regarding food is to burn the calories obtained from what you eat and avoid overeating. 

Apart from this, your diet should also be balanced in which all the components including carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and salts are found in proper quantity. Consumption of substandard foods, high salt and sugary products should be avoided.

Common heart diseases

Common heart diseases include irregular or rapid heartbeat, rheumatic heart disease (a disease that permanently damages the heart), diseases of the heart valves such as narrowing, leakage or closure, high blood pressure, heart Heart disease causes and precautions The causes of angina and heart attack are almost the same. 

There are some aspects of Coronary Artery Disease or Angina which the doctor cannot help you to prevent. The first one is that the disease is already present in your family and the second one is that you are male. 

The third factor in this regard is your age, which increases the risk of developing this disease. There are several factors that strengthen this disease, such as diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol, irregular exercise or no exercise at all. , lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet, high blood pressure, mental stress, lack of entertainment and obesity etc. 

The symptoms of heart failure are different, as it always follows a heart attack. These include heart failure, heart attack, long-term and untreated high blood pressure, enlarged heart muscles or leaky or narrowed heart valves.

 Heart attack, heart failure and angina

In our body, the heart is always working and it fulfills its needs with the blood received through the arteries of the heart. They are called coronary arteries. Over time, fats in the blood begin to accumulate in these arteries, causing them to narrow.

 When this narrowing increases to more than 50 or 60 percent, circulation begins to become obstructed. In such a case, when doing any physical or mental activity like exercise etc., a strange pain is felt in the chest. This pain is called "angina" in medical terms.

When this vein is completely blocked and the blood cannot flow at all, it is called a "heart attack". Similarly, when the heart stops pumping blood for some reason, this condition is called heart failure.

A heart attack, also called an acute myocardial infarction (AMI), occurs when the blood vessels supplying blood with oxygen become blocked, either by blood clots or plaques. Once blood flow is interrupted, the heart muscle begins to die. 

If blood flow is not restored within a short time, irreversible damage to the heart muscle will begin, often leading to death. Each year, 100,000 people in the United States will have an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), and of those people, 400,000 will die.

The goal of care is to promptly treat patients who show signs and symptoms of a heart attack and, once diagnosed, to restore blood flow within 60-60 minutes. These measures demonstrate some of the standards of care provided, if appropriate, for most adults who have had a heart attack.

Differences in the symptoms of angina, heart attack and heart failure

In the case of angina, there is pressure or pain in the chest. This pain occurs in the central part of the chest, the duration of which is not defined and the time of its occurrence cannot be determined. 

This pain is cured by walking, doing strenuous work or mental stress and remembering to rest. A heart attack is actually called a more severe condition of angina because in it the blood flow due to the blockage of the blood passage i.e. the artery. Flow is affected.

The pain is unbearably intense. Along with it, symptoms like vomiting and nausea, sweating all over the body, pain in the hands, neck and jaw etc. also appear. Generally, the duration of this pain is It takes half an hour to an hour. 

Some patients with heart failure do not have many of these symptoms. In such cases, some major symptoms such as shortness of breath, lack of endurance in the body (they can't work as much as they used to, now they can't work as much), swelling of the feet, waking up from sleep at night as if breathing is stopped.

Causes of heart disease in young people

Unhealthy lifestyle, eating habits, lack of regular exercise, smoking, diabetes and obesity are major causes of heart disease in young people. Heart diseases are seen more and prematurely in South Asians than in other countries.

Enlargement of the heart

An enlarged heart occurs after heart failure and heart attack. When the heart is not able to pump the blood properly, its own size starts to increase due to excessive pressure.

7 silent signs of common heart disease

Atrial fibrillation without obvious symptoms is the most common problem with changes in the heart rate, resulting in a very rapid heartbeat.

When this happens, it feels like the heart is racing, chest pain and weakness, etc., while over time the heart weakens and blood clots begin to form, which increases the risk of heart failure or stroke.

But familiarity with the symptoms of this disease can protect against many dangers.

Frequent irregular heartbeat

Most people with this disease report that their heart starts to beat very fast, usually a healthy heartbeat is between fifty and one hundred beats per minute, but in people with atrial fibrillation, this number can be as high as 450. It can happen during times of stress or fatigue, smoking or consuming too much caffeine, alcohol and after exercise.

Chest pain, tiredness and feeling lightheaded

In addition to heart palpitations, chest pain, lightheadedness or fatigue are also symptoms, which are often symptoms of a heart attack, but without nausea, vomiting, sweating or coughing. . Patients may experience chest pain from a few minutes to several hours.

Over sixty years of age

Atrial fibrillation is asymptomatic in some people, especially if the age is more than sixty years, for which a doctor needs to be treated.

Patients with pre-existing heart disease

Although the cause of atrial fibrillation is still unclear, it is likely to be caused by other heart problems, such as heart attacks and other diseases.

Sufferers of snoring

 Due to snoring or breathing disorder during sleep, there is a lack of oxygen in the body and the person wakes up suddenly. Similarly, the risk of this heart disease is four times higher in people suffering from respiratory disorders during sleep.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure weakens the heart over time, increasing the risk of atrial fibrillation.


Medical experts have also discovered a strong link between diabetes and atrial fibrillation, the exact cause of which has not yet been revealed. People with diabetes are four times more likely to develop the disease, which experts believe may be due to changes in the nervous system.

Attention to mental health is essential in the treatment of heart disease

Scientists say that screening for symptoms of depression should be made mandatory in people affected by heart disease and 'counseling' should also be done to solve their psychological problems.

A study presented at the European Society for Cardiology shows that patients with heart disease who also suffer from depression are more likely to die within a year.

Researchers say that although the severity of the disease is an important cause of death and other factors also influence it, it is also important to keep depression under control.

Charities working in this regard say that heart patients should not ignore depression and consult their doctor for treatment.

According to the head of this study, Professor John Cleland, who is associated with Imperial College London and the University of Hull, the number of people suffering from heart disease in the UK is increasing day by day, and about 900,000 people have a heart attack every year. .

Speaking to the BBC, Professor Cleland said that despite new drugs and methods, a cure could not be found for this disease. So effective but not as much as we would like.

Therefore, we have decided to observe other factors in this regard.

It should be noted that the heart muscles of people affected by heart disease become weak or stiff due to which the heart cannot supply blood to the body properly and the patient also feels tired with difficulty in breathing.

In connection with this study, Professor Cleland's team asked 96 heart attack patients questions to determine whether these patients were suffering from depression.

Patients who had depressive symptoms were more likely to die within a year.

Although scientists are well aware of the relationship between depression and heart disease, it was previously thought that only severe depression caused heart disease, but recent research has shown that even mild depression can affect the heart. Is.

Although scientists believe that depression affects the heart, they say that other factors are also important and there are some patients who have the same severity of heart disease but not all of them are affected by depression.

Researchers say that more research is needed in this regard.

On the other hand, Julie Ward, a spokesperson for the British Heart Foundation, a charity that researches heart diseases in the United Kingdom, said, "We know depression is a risk factor for heart disease and heart attack victims.

 People are also affected by it, so along with the physical treatment of people with any long-term physical illness such as heart disease, their mental health should also be taken care of.'