Causes, symptoms and treatment of diabetes mellitus

Diabetes is considered to be a chronic disease, which if it is diagnosed, it will not leave you for the rest of your life. The disease kills millions of people every year, even though it can affect anyone. According to the World Health Organization, about 15 million people die each year due to this disease.

This disease occurs when the body is unable to dissolve glucose (sugar) into the blood, increasing the risk of various diseases including stroke, heart attack, blindness, and kidney failure.

Symptoms of diabetes

The following symptoms may occur due to diabetes.

Significant weight loss –

Urinating extra than usual (especially at night times) –

Increased thirst –

Weakness of vision –

Non-healing of wounds –

Increased appetite –

Feeling very tired –

Dry skin –

sensation of pins or needles in hands or feet_

Causes of diabetes

After eating, the body converts carbohydrates into glucose, after which a hormone called insulin, produced in the pancreas, instructs the body to absorb the glucose for energy.

You get diabetes when the body doesn't produce enough insulin, or doesn't work properly, which causes glucose to build up in our blood, leading to diabetes. 

Once you get diabetes, it is not possible to get rid of it, but you must try not to increase the amount of sugar in the body, because increasing this amount raises the risk of many life-threatening disorders. 

It is said about the disease of sugar or diabetes, that this disease is like a life partner. It is a very difficult task to keep him happy no matter how many things are raised. A little carelessness is enough to make its mercury rise. For this reason, his patient cannot even think of being careless about the medicine. 

But today we will tell you some ways by which not only it can be kept under control but also the dependence on the drug can be minimized.

The blood sugar level increases in people suffering from diabetes. Medicines or insulin are used to control this level. But at the same time, it can be kept under control along with the use of medicine in the light of the doctor's instructions through some measures.

Home remedies for diabetes

The following home remedies can be very effective in keeping the sugar level balanced.

Exercising regularly

Daily exercise is very important for diabetic patients. This increases the sensitivity of blood sugar to insulin. In this way, the sugar in the blood is used to provide energy to the body and muscles, due to which the blood sugar level decreases.

Avoid eating sweets

Every food contains some amount of glucose. Even bitter gourd contains glucose. For this reason, a diabetic patient must be especially careful in the consumption of food and drink.

Maximize dietary fiber intake

Fiber is one of the ingredients that improves the digestion of the body. It eliminates constipation. And it also speeds up the metabolism of the body, which also reduces the sugar level.

Diabetic drinking more water

Drinking more water is also very helpful in controlling the sugar level. Due to drinking more water, the kidneys excrete the sugar in the blood from the body, due to which the blood sugar level remains under control.

Do not eat full in one sitting

Doctors advise diabetic patients not to eat food once they are full. They say that instead of eating a full meal at one time, eating small meals six times a day is better for keeping blood sugar levels balanced.

Uses of okra

Okra is an inexpensive vegetable found in the market that contains antioxidants that play an important role in reducing blood sugar levels.

Okra seeds have long been used to treat diabetes in Turkey, as the seeds have excellent blood sugar-lowering properties. Okra contains carbohydrates called polysaccharides which are considered very useful against diabetes.

Along with this, the flavonoids present in it also reduce blood sugar effectively.

Pulses and seeds

Pulses and seeds contain beneficial nutrients like magnesium, fiber, and protein that are known to help lower blood sugar levels.

Fast-dissolving fiber slows the digestion of food in the body, which can lead to improvements in blood sugar. Some studies have shown that regular consumption of black or white chickpeas significantly lowers blood sugar levels.

Some more clinical studies have shown that regular consumption of pulses and seeds is considered to be very beneficial for blood regulation, thereby reducing the risks of diabetes.

Use of linseed

These seeds are considered to be very useful against diabetes, as flaxseed has many medical benefits. Flaxseeds are rich in useful and healthy fats as well as fiber which play a very important role in reducing blood sugar levels.

Consuming up to 30 grams of flaxseed daily can help control blood sugar.


Many seafoods, including fish, contain a variety of proteins, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and antioxidants that can play an important role in controlling blood sugar.

Protein is considered to be an essential component for controlling blood sugar, which slows down the digestion of food and prevents spikes in blood sugar. 

Along with this, with the help of protein, one gets rid of the habit of overeating, due to which excess fat does not accumulate on the body, and the blood sugar level remains balanced. According to a study conducted on obese people, consuming 750 grams of fish per week improves blood sugar levels.


Consuming various dried fruit nuts regularly can help regulate blood sugar levels. A clinical study on people with type 2 diabetes found that consuming peanuts and almonds daily reduced blood sugar levels.

Sweet pumpkin and its seeds

Sweet pumpkins are rich in antioxidants and fiber, which can play an important role in balancing blood sugar levels. Along with this, pumpkin also contains carbohydrates that can help regulate sugar levels.

Apart from this, pumpkins are also rich in proteins and healthy fats which are considered very useful for controlling sugar.

Basil seeds

Regular consumption of basil seeds can also play an important role in reducing blood sugar levels. Consuming Thammalinga regularly also increases insulin sensitivity.

Avoid stress

When a person is under mental pressure. At this time, the body secretes enzymes called cortisol and glucagon, which increase the level of sugar in the blood. Therefore, diabetic patients should try to avoid stress as much as possible.

Monitor sugar levels

It is very important to constantly monitor the level of sugar in the blood. Without it it cannot be corrected so check it every day and accordingly decide your medicine dosage and dosage as advised by the doctor it helps to control it.

Get enough sleep

When a person sleeps peacefully, it reduces his sugar level. For this reason, at least seven to eight hours of sleep is essential for diabetic patients and it helps in reducing the sugar level.

If the blood sugar level does not improve with the help of the home remedies mentioned above, then you need to contact a diabetes specialist.