Brain hemorrhage, its symptoms, causes and treatment

Rupture of a cerebral artery or brain hemorrhage is a condition with a high probability of death.

You may or may not know, but there are 2 types of stroke, one type is when the blood supply to the brain tissues is stopped or reduced which is called Ischemic stroke while the other type is brain haemorrhage in which the cerebral artery is ruptured. Explodes.

There are several types of intracranial hemorrhage, which is bleeding inside the head, while others are cerebral hemorrhage, which is bleeding inside or behind the brain, or subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is bleeding from the space between the brain and the tissue covering the brain. is born.

Brain haemorrhage accounts for 13% of stroke cases and requires immediate medical attention to ensure recovery, while controlling risk factors can help prevent it.


Nowadays, brain hemorrhage is becoming common. It is often thought that it is known only when someone suffers from it, but this is not the case because some of its symptoms can be seen even earlier. Let us tell you about these symptoms. I tell you that in this way one's life can be saved.

According to recent research, brain hemorrhage is preceded by a stroke on the right or left side of the body, difficulty in speaking and understanding, numbness in the body, loss of vision or extreme weakness. The reason is that the circulation of blood in the body is badly affected and at the same time the blood supply to the brain is not getting. 

After such symptoms appear, the patients who should be taken to the hospital immediately to prevent premature brain injury. Treatment of hemorrhage should be started.

Brain hemorrhage is also known as intracerebral hemorrhage and its symptoms vary from patient to patient, but there are some things that are always seen with a stroke.

These possible symptoms are as follows:

Complete or partial loss of consciousness



Sudden and severe headache

A feeling of weakness or numbness in one part of the body in the face, leg or arm


to feel dizziness

Losing balance

Difficulty speaking or swallowing

Confusion or loss of sense of environment


There are 2 possible causes of a ruptured cerebral artery, the most common of which is an aneurysm, which is a part of a blood vessel that is enlarged due to high blood pressure or a weakened blood vessel. The part weakens the artery wall and forces it to burst.

Another cause is called an AVM, in which arteries and veins join together in an abnormal way. It can be congenital but is not hereditary, and it is not yet clear why some people are at increased risk.

A brain hemorrhage can be life-threatening because a cerebral artery ruptures, causing brain damage, and survival depends on how quickly the swelling and bleeding inside the skull is controlled, meaning some people But its effects can be permanent while some can recover completely.

How to reduce its risk?

There are certain factors that increase the risk of brain haemorrhage such as high blood pressure which is the main cause and by keeping it under control the risk of brain haemorrhage can also be reduced which is also important to avoid smoking.

Alcohol and drug use also increase this risk.

What to do for the patient?

After a brain haemorrhage attack, it is very important to provide immediate and emergency medical care, doctors try to control the flow of blood in the brain and reduce the pressure caused by the bleeding. 

Medicines can also be used to slow down blood pressure or flow, but blood thinners are used and in case of brain hemorrhage, it increases the risk of excessive blood flow, but doctors are more concerned about this. Can suggest better.

When the patient is successfully saved after a brain haemorrhage, further steps can be taken, depending on the severity of the seizure, whether it can be cured with drugs or therapy, or whether surgery is required.

New treatment for brain hemorrhage discovered

Jeddah: The latest scientific review has discovered a brain hemorrhage cure. The reviewers explained before the American Heart Society conference that the use of the pill "Affulocumab" manufactured by the American company Amgen, can cure narrowed arteries by 68%. This gave hope to patients suffering from arteriosclerosis and heart disease in Saudi Arabia. 

Thanks to this, brain hemorrhage may be prevented in the future. Mohammad Arfa, a professor of heart diseases at King Saud University, while talking to Saqq website, said that Saudi Arabia is one of the countries where heart diseases and major artery diseases are very common.

Introduction of magnetic robot to treat stroke and cerebral vein rupture

In the case of BrainHambridge, a microscopic blood-purifying robot has been created in the brain that cleans the blood, researchers say.

New York (Urdu Point News Latest - NNI. June 17, 2022) A thin robot that can be controlled by a magnet has been created to stop the flow of blood in case of stroke. An 86 percent success rate was achieved in animal trials. According to media reports, Purdue University's Hyowon Lee and his colleagues have created a microscopic robot that can clean pooled blood, especially in cases of brain hemorrhage.

Experts noticed that when they were tested on six to seven animals, the blood clots in their brains were successfully cleared. Among them was the barbed wire. On this occasion, Hywon Lee said that this technology can save them from death and disability, becoming a new ray of hope for stroke patients.

In the event of a ruptured cerebral artery, blood flow rapidly increases and permanent disability or death may occur.

There are two types of stroke, in which the blood clot gets stuck somewhere and stops the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, and in the other case, the blood pressure increases so much that the blood vessel bursts and the brain bleeds. Accumulation begins. In the first case, blood thinners are given, which cannot be used in Brain Hamburg anyway. The probability of death in such patients reaches up to 50% and there is no effective treatment for it so far.

Sometimes a blood thinner is given.

This robot can be remotely controlled by a magnetic field and can be used to clean blood. The robot rotates same as a pole to make a path for blood flow. In the next phase, it will be approved by the FDA.