How to lose weight

We all have heard that obesity is the enemy of beauty and this is very true because no matter how beautiful a person is but not smart, obesity is an example of beauty like eclipse of the moon.

 People suffering from obesity are suffering from low weight. Some people's condition becomes such that they live in depression, but instead of suffering from depression, a person should solve his problems by himself and not by taking tension. Depression is a dangerous thing for health.

Excess fat, overweight or obesity, if you are also suffering from these problems, now is the time to get rid of them. Of course, it will be nice to know that you can lose weight without starving or eating less. 

Before losing weight, it is important for you to know why you gain weight. It is important for you to be aware of this so that you can prevent your weight gain in the future.

Losing weight can be quite a daunting task for people, but with a little attention, there is a solution to this problem.

In this context, an article published in 'Sedti' magazine has highlighted the fastest ways to lose weight.

Conscious eating

As everyone is busy in life and coping with the fast pace of the times. Most people eat quickly while performing their duties. As a result, many human beings are oblivious to how a whole lot they have eaten.

Ways to eat

To focus on what we are eating, enjoy it.

Avoid distractions: Put away the TV, laptop, or phone.

Eat slowly: Take some time to bite, chew and taste your food.

Choosing nutrient-dense foods will stave off hunger for hours and leave you feeling full.


Calories play a direct role in weight gain, for example, how many calories you eat, how many of those calories you use through physical activity, and how many are stored in your body. You have to balance the calories you burn with the calories you burn. If you are storing excess calories in your body and not using them through physical activity, you will definitely start gaining weight.


 Create your own food chart, listing the calories in front of each item. As an instance, sugar, soft beverages and processed vegetable ghee are high in calories. Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your meals, minimize the consumption of processed ghee and sugar and manage to burn the calories you eat.


Life has become so busy that people don't have time to exercise to burn extra calories and the resulting extra fat. If you can't workout to burn excessive calories and fat, forget about losing weight. On the one hand, innovation has made our lives easier, on the other hand, our attitudes have become lazier.

Exercise is the first and foremost solution to lose weight.Exercise is the fastest way to lose weight. Nowadays people are busy all the time and people do not have time for themselves to take care of their health. People have forgotten to even walk.

Nowadays, most of the work has gone online, people do not prefer to walk but do most of their work online, even ordering food and drinks online.

Clothes are also bought online. People have become comfortable, very addicted to comfort. There are many types of exercise and there are some exercises that can reduce the weight to a considerable extent in a short period of time, but if you make exercise a routine, you can see a significant reduction in obesity. 

Set aside some time in your busy life for a specific type of exercise that will help you live a healthy life.

Walking 15000 steps per day is good for health. People go to do their small work in their car, which of course is 5 minutes away.

If a person walks 15000 steps per day, then the conditional weight will be reduced and with it the human body will be able to fight against thousands of diseases.


Make time exclusively for exercise. Far from it, people have forgotten to walk. At least include walking and some light physical activities in your daily life. Prefer walking as much as possible to go to school, college, office and nearby market. Yoga also helps in weight loss.

Be aware of diet and exercise

If you plan to lose weight. So you have to pay attention to everything you eat and drink during the day. Check the amount of nutrients and calories before eating.

Some diet, physical activity and weight loss applications can be downloaded for weight management.
According to a study published in PubMed, there is a positive relationship between weight loss and food intake and frequency of exercise.

Some very easy ways to lose weight

Calorie intake is also important, but if two different foods will give you the same amount of calories, you should know which one is healthier. Always choose nutritious foods. Prepare a balanced diet plan and follow it regularly.

 Instead of eating too much at one time, eat small amounts at different times throughout the day. Avoid starches, carbohydrates, sugar, salt, rice, soft drinks, saturated fats, junk food and fried foods.

Increase consumption of fiber, protein, salads and low calorie foods. Include fresh fruits to your diet instead of processed fruit juices. Water is the best natural recipe for weight loss. Consuming water speeds up the body's metabolism and reduces weight.

 Walking for an hour burns 250 calories and is an easy way to burn calories. Lack of sleep is one of the major causes  of weight gain. One hour of sleep burns 50 calories. Therefore, it is important that you get the required amount of sleep regularly.

Chew food well.

Use less sugar in tea, coffee or milk.

Use more fiber.

Exercise regularly and stay active.

Sip the drink instead of pouring it.

Always drink water before each meal and try to drink water half an hour or an hour after eating.

Salad must be eaten with meals, if possible eat salad before meals as it helps in digestion.

Avoid Anger Excessive anger increases obesity.

It is better to lose weight gradually than to lose weight all at once.

Check your weight every week and make a chart of it and note it on the chart.

Avoid constipation and eat flour that contains bran as it not only improves digestion but also reduces diseases like diabetes. The filter absorbs excess oil.

 Eating less and starving yourself is not necessary to lose weight. There are many home and medical methods to reduce obesity. Of which there are few.

Do not eat junk food

People prefer junk food so much that their busyness has increased so much that people use junk food to satisfy their hunger which leads to rapid weight gain within few days. Among the junk food, those junk foods that increase the weight very quickly, in which the consumption of cheese is high.

 When this junk food is prepared and when people eat it, it increases their weight in a very short time and by this process, health starts to deteriorate and various diseases appear.

Children, young people, old people, all those people who tend towards junk food instead of simple food would surely become obese very quickly. Eating junk food is one of the basic causes of rapid weight gain.

In today's busy world, people have become largely dependent on junk food to satisfy their hunger. However, you should not forget that such a diet is very high in calories. Excess calories will surely lead to excess weight and obesity. 

 Cutting back on calories from junk food is a very difficult task. The only way to avoid those calories is to not even think about junk food because it is a dangerous thing to think about. But there is no benefit of junk food at all.


Burning calories from junk food is definitely not an easy task. So the best way to prevent from weight gain is to avoid eating junk food. Many people binge on junk food in the throes of hunger, which causes them to gain weight quickly. Get yourself into the habit of eating healthy foods.


 Cut out milky tea and intoxicants, replace them with black tea, black coffee and lemon water. Don't make the mistake of adding sugar to them, instead add honey. 


Have 2 toasts with peanut butter (peanut butter) for breakfast. To get protein, you can eat boiled egg or apple. 

Eat protein for breakfast

Eat protein to reduce feelings of fullness and hunger. It regulates hunger hormones.

Good choices for a protein-rich breakfast include eggs, barley, dried fruit, seed juice, oatmeal, and chia seed pudding.


A fresh vegetable salad would be best. Add carrots, apples, grapes, beans, watermelon, papaya, walnuts or any low-calorie vegetable or fruit to your diet. You can also eat steamed vegetables or a small cup of steamed rice. Avoid potatoes in vegetables. Snacks: Include high protein foods like blueberries and beans in evening snacks. 


Eat healthy vegetables with chapatis, don't eat more than three chapatis.

Reduce sugar and carbohydrate intake

Carbohydrates found in highly processed foods lack fiber and nutrients. White rice, bread and pasta are included in these.

Instead of processed and sugary foods, healthy foods such as the following are recommended: Rice, bread and pasta made from whole grains. Substitute fruits, nuts and seeds for white rice. Replace sugary or salty foods with herbal teas and water.

Eat more fiber

Adding plenty of fiber to your diet can help you lose weight. These foods are high in fiber.
Consuming whole grains, whole wheat pasta, whole grain bread, barley, fruits and vegetables like peas, beans, nuts and seeds are beneficial.

Balancing gut bacteria

Human intestines contain a large number of microorganisms. Certain foods can increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, including fruits, vegetables and grains, which should make up 75 percent of the diet.

Fermented foods: Promote the efficacy of good bacteria while inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria. Sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and yogurt contain good amounts of probiotics, which help increase good bacteria.

Probiotic foods: Some increase the growth and activity of good bacteria, which helps in weight management. Found in many fruits and vegetables, especially dandelion roots, artichokes, onions, garlic, bananas, and avocados. Also some are in grains like barley etc.

Walk after eating

In today's busy era where people are getting fat even by eating home cooked food, people should also know that walking for 20 minutes after eating can not only prevent you from obesity but also reduce your blood sugar. The level will also be under control.

 During walking, the blood spreads to the internal systems of the body, which is due to the circulation of the blood, the blood reaches the internal systems, so our body stays healthy and we can perform our daily tasks in a better way.

Consume tea before a walk

There is no doubt that walking helps in weight loss. Tea is often used for body fatigue and mental relaxation, but tea can help us lose weight if we use it properly, we should make tea a source of weight loss. A brisk walk can help you lose weight and burn 250 calories.

Lack of sleep plays a major role in weight gain so it is very important to get enough sleep as one hour of sleep burns 50 calories. Therefore, a person needs adequate sleep which indicates a good health.

Green tea causes weight loss

Green tea removes toxins from the body and delivers nutrients to the body in a timely manner, eliminating the fatty acids in the body and leading to significant weight loss. It only takes a minute to make green tea and it can keep you healthy for a long time. Prioritize your health first because life is life then world is.

Women lose weight by doing housework

If housewives get into the habit of cleaning and sweeping the house, this is also a great way to lose weight. Brooms and ponchas directly reduce belly fat, so women should do their own housework.

Do this routine for a month and you will see a huge reduction in your body which will also create a self-confidence in you. Along with cleaning the house, washing clothes at home also reduces belly fat.

Lose weight in sports

Young boys and girls who use social media a lot should get out of the house and engage themselves in some sports with their friends that are based on physical exertion that can burn off their excess fat. There are many kids who make their country famous in sports and stay fit just by making their future in any one sport which makes us all proud.

 Let children participate in sports along with studies as it helps them to grow in height.

Make it compulsory to take part in some sports that keep their body fit and have a passion for the sport like most of the kids tend towards football or badminton which is a good thing.

A unique diet plan

If you want to lose weight, you have to remove the above things from your life and replace them with lemon water, black coffee, black tea and never use white sugar. It is more beneficial to use honey, adding honey and brown sugar to coffee, tea or lemon water in your routine will lead to weight loss.

Have a grapefruit, an apple, a grapefruit, a boiled egg and two pieces of toast for breakfast.

Have fresh sabres and salad for lunch. Include carrots, apples, grapes, beans, watermelon, papaya or any low-calorie vegetable to your diet.

Eat boiled vegetables, eat curd, mix salad and eat it by adding curd to it is more useful but curd is used only in summer.

Have roast fish or any meat for dinner and reduce the amount of bread. It will be very beneficial for you if you make a complete diet plan and follow it with medical advice.

Getting enough sleep

Some research suggests that sleeping less than 5-6 hours per night can lead to obesity. Restless sleep slows down the body's systems.

 Additionally, lack of sleep can lead to increased insulin and cholesterol levels. It causes fat storage.

Try to reduce stress

Exercising helps control stress levels. Especially yoga, meditation, or walking in the fresh air.