Stomach Ulcer, Causes and Prevention

The more ideal and excellent the performance of the stomach, the more excellent and enviable our health will be.

The health and well-being of human existence is considered to depend entirely on a balanced diet and a high efficiency of the digestive system.

The more balanced, nutritious and rich the food is, the more energy and strength the body will feel. The benefit of the food eaten is also only when the body's digestive system is strong and fully functioning. Consuming delicious and fun dishes every now and then will keep a lucky person's digestive system fully functional and performing at its best.

The digestive system is related to our stomach, everything we eat and drink first goes through chemical processing in the stomach and reaches other organs. The more ideal and excellent the performance of the stomach, the more excellent and enviable our health will be.

 Thus, there are many diseases of the stomach that engulf the human body and cause problems, but the most painful disease among them is the stomach ulcer (ulcer) which affects the whole body.

What is gastric ulcer?

Stomach ulcer refers to the formation of a sore in the protective lining of the stomach. This lesion can usually be 5mm or larger and can also affect the inner lining of the stomach. Understanding the structure of the stomach is important to understand stomach ulcers.

Relationship between human age and ulceration

Ulcers can occur at any age. Stomach ulcer usually occurs in older people i.e. 70-55 years of age whereas small intestine ulcer occurs in relatively younger people i.e. 30-55 years of age. In addition to the stomach, ulcers can also occur in the small intestine.

Ulcer why and how?

People who consume frequent chicken, spicy foods, spicy foods and spicy foods. Excessive consumption of fast foods, samosas, pakoras, cola drinks, bakery products, flour products, biryani, brinjal, dal masoor and badi foods can also cause bloating in the stomach.

 Excessive consumption of meat, tea, coffee, and smoking also increases the acidity in the stomach. When the acidity of the stomach continues to increase, it is harmful to the protective membrane of the stomach and can cause ulcers.

Apart from acidity, the following factors can lead to ulcers. Overuse of antibiotics and painkillers can also cause swelling in the stomach, causing ulcers to form. Overuse of the group of painkillers (NSAIDs) for chronic body pain, joint pain, etc., can lead to stomach ulcers as well as liver and kidney damage. According to modern medical science, H. pylori is also a cause of stomach ulcers.

H pylori is a bacterium that can cause stomach and small intestine ulcers. This bacterium is very common and affects about half of the world's population. Air, contaminated water or eating substandard food spread.

 Blah smokers are also at risk of ulcers. Smoking and drinking alcohol also increase the risk of recurrence after the ulcer heals. Similarly, people who use betel nut and snuff can also be prone to stomach ulcers.

Ulcer symptoms

Stomach pain is the most important symptom of ulcer disease and occurs in 80-90% of people. Loss of appetite and nausea are common in people affected by stomach ulcers. In two-thirds of people with small bowel ulcers, the pain occurs at night and may radiate from the abdomen to the back.

 Recurrent vomiting and persistent weight loss are danger signs and may indicate gastric cancer or gastric outlet obstruction. If the ulcer does not heal, it can become complicated and the patient may vomit blood or have black stools.

Ulcer diagnosis

When someone has the problem of ulcer, then constant pain in the stomach, burning, vomiting, regurgitation and in some cases vomiting of blood also starts. The appetite of the ulcer patient is also almost gone. Drinking water also causes a feeling of nausea in the stomach.

 Apart from this, many tests can be done under modern laboratories to diagnose ulcers and their causes, but the best way to diagnose ulcers is endoscopy. This test can help determine whether the ulcer is in the stomach or small intestine.

Prevent ulcers

Our diet can be the best weapon against diseases. If we become aware of the choice and proper use of foods. Consuming plenty of raw vegetables and seasonal fruits is the best natural way to prevent all diseases including stomach ulcers.

 The more fibrous foods are included in our diet, the less acidic substances will be formed, the main cause of ulcers is acidity. When the acid substances will not be formed in the stomach, then the question of ulcers does not arise. Likewise, taking brisk walks and exercise on an empty stomach in the routine also protects against the attack of ulcers.

Avoiding the habit of drinking cold drinks with meals also reduces the risk of ulcers. Adding vegetables while cooking meat also provides protection from many gastrointestinal problems. Avoiding red pepper, hot spices, spleen and fried foods also protects against ulcer complaints. The use of painkillers should also be avoided without any specific problem.

 Because the alleged continuous use of painkillers, especially the NSAIDs group, not only causes stomach and intestinal ulcers, but also allegedly damages the liver and kidneys. Use of pain relievers If necessary, use alternative medications under the advice of a medical professional.

H.Pylori bacteria is one of the most important causes of stomach diseases, especially ulcers. Avoid substandard market foods and use clean fresh water. Avoid tea, cigarettes and alcohol as much as possible. If forced by habit, then drinking tea or cigarettes on an empty stomach should be avoided.

 Avoid eating spicy chicken and drinking contaminated water. If the acid in the stomach increases, use laxatives to clear the stomach and intestines of irregular substances.

Eat on an empty stomach, eat dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed. Use seasonal fruits, fruit juices and vegetables a little more. Raw vegetables like cucumber, tomato, onion, cabbage, radish, carrot and salad leaves must be included in lunch as salad.

 Adding barley and wheat porridge in breakfast also prevents many stomach problems. Consuming sugarcane gandiris, natural drinks like sandalwood, cardamom, jujube, Aloo Bukhara etc. are also useful.

Thoughts, sadness, tension, stress and depression also increase the acid substances in the stomach and as a result, ulcers develop and make life indigestion. So avoid worry, anxiety, tension and futile thought patterns and depression in your daily life. We hope that you will adopt our objectives to achieve ideal health.