What is TB? TB symptoms and treatment

What is TB?

TB is a contagious disorder and when the patient coughs, the harmful TB bacteria present in his sputum through the air reaches another individual, thus the other individual also suffers from TB.

 Millions of humans fall victim to infectious disorders like TB each year. Every day about four and a half thousand patients have to lose their lives due to non-availability of timely treatment facilities. TB is not an incurable disease.

There is a cure for this disease and its medicines are also easily available, but despite all this, according to the reports of the United Nations World Health Organization, TB has become one of the major reasons of casualties in the world.

 This is the reason why World Tuberculosis Day is also celebrated on March 24 every year.

A sputum test is done to diagnose TB. TB medicines can also be obtained free from government hospitals. Active TB disease is caused by infection with a bacterium such as Myobacterium tuberculosis. TB usually affects a person's lungs.

But sometimes it may have effect on the other parts of the body as well. As it affects lymph glands, kidneys and bones etc. TB usually has no symptoms or effects because most TB germs are inactive. Such TB is called dormant or latent TB infection. A person with a latent infection cannot infect others and cannot transmit the germs to household members or other close contacts.

Symptoms of TB

Frequent waking at night due to nervousness, night sweats.

Sometimes coughing up blood or vomiting blood.

Feeling very tired and vulnerable whole the time.

Great loss of appetite, reluctance to eat anything.

Feeling very cold and having a fever.

Cough or phlegm that persists for more than three weeks.

Being sleepy all the time due to fatigue.

Some water in the lungs.

Whistling sounds from the chest.

Excessive pitching of the voice.

A sharp pain in the throat.

Significant weight loss.

Chest pain.

Treatment of TB

TB is a chronic but 100% curable disease. T can be timely and easily controlled at an early stage. If you want to be treated to prevent TB, you will first be given a treatment plan. The goal of this plan is to arrange the treatment that is most appropriate for a patient.

A TB treatment plan is made in a meeting. The plan also includes your doctor, TB coordinator and health department people or other chibi workers. In the meeting, you are also told who you can ask to answer your questions if you have any questions during the treatment.

Now more than twenty drugs are used in the treatment of TB. The drugs used to prevent TB are the same as those used to prevent regular TB, but the duration of treatment is usually shorter. First the patient is asked to take two medicines every day for three months. Some people only take one medicine, but this medicine has to be taken for six months.

After two weeks, he is called for blood tests and then six weeks later. Some patients are prescribed medication and sent to self-medicate. But some patients are self-medicated by the medical staff every day. It is called dot. Some patients are prescribed medication at the beginning, and self-medicate for the rest of the treatment. The duration of TB treatment is six to nine months.

Treatment with DOT (Direct Observed Therapy)

The dot method is used to help patients during the treatment period and thereby complete the treatment. This may be because sometimes the patient does not feel like taking the medicine, while if you are seeing side effects, you may forget to take the medicine.

For the treatment to be effective, it is important to take the medicine every day and complete the entire course of treatment. Through dot, the medical worker can also monitor the effects of the drug. In addition, the medical professional can also give you advice during the treatment and how to reduce any side effects if you notice them.

Treatment without DOT (Direct Observed Therapy)

In this treatment, patients who have to self-medicate are usually given a week's worth of medicine. People often say that we will take the medicine ourselves but they often forget to take the medicine. A better solution is to set a medication time alarm or write the medication times on a chart in your room so that you remember when and at what time you need to take the medication.

Despite all this, if you have any doubts that your treatment is not going well, you can contact your medical coordinator.

TB treatment with natural products

Mint juice

 First of all, take one teaspoon of mint juice, then add the juice of carrots and add vinegar to this mixture and mix these three things well. Make this drink in such a way that it can be easily consumed in three parts in a day. Drinking this drink for a few days will improve.

Use of onion

Mix onion extract and honey by weight and then take a small spoonful of it three or four times a day to try this recipe and you will notice a reduction in TB disease.

Uses of mango fruit

Take fresh mango juice in a bowl, then add honey to it and make a drink out of it. Consume one tablespoon of this drink in the morning and evening. Drink a glass of cow's or goat's milk with it. This method of treatment for 21 days will improve the disease.


Consumption of apple fruit is very useful for TB patients. Drinking a glass of apple juice every day removes the weakness in the body.


Orange is extremely beneficial for patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. By drinking a glass of its juice daily, the lungs become healthy and function again. Add a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of salt to a glass of orange juice and drink it. Regular consumption of this juice relieves the disease.


Add a peeled banana to a cup of coconut water and whisk it well, then add a cup of yogurt and a teaspoon of honey. It will make a jam and eat it immediately it is very useful in tuberculosis.


Tuberculosis, if daily fifty grams of pumpkin, mixed with ground Egyptian. This will definitely help the patient.


Grind half a teaspoon of kalonji with water, it is very useful for TB.


Take the pomegranate flowers and extract their juice, add crushed Egyptian to it according to the amount of flower juice. Give one spoonful of this to the patient daily. This medicine can also be used with milk and can be licked.


Take two walnuts and grind them. Add one teaspoon of ground garlic and the same amount of butter to it. Mix these three items and eat a spoonful of them daily.


Take a teaspoon of ginger and add the same amount of honey to it and eat it in the morning and evening. After using it for a few days, the disease will start improving.

Use of olive oil

Olive oil, take an ounce of olive oil and mix it in a glass of milk and drink it daily. Use this regularly for two months. Add the same amount of honey to a teaspoon of olive oil and consume it. This mixture will require hot water. With its continuous use, inflammation of the lungs is eliminated and TB disease is greatly improved.

Amaltas flowers

Amaltas flowers are also useful for tuberculosis. Clean and grind a single flower well. Put it in a pot or jar and add twice as much sugar to it. Then keep it to dry in the sun for 4 to 5 days. Then drink this sufof two to three times daily with water. It is useful in the treatment of TB.


Take a bark of the jamun tree and boil it in water, boil the bark until half of the water is reduced. When the water comes to a boil, turn off the stove. After the water cools down, filter it well. Add a pinch of salt to this water and drink it two to four times a day, it will help reduce TB disease.

White fig

White figs are beneficial for tuberculosis and inflammation of the lungs. It thins the mucus and removes it from the body. Consuming it daily causes a reduction in the disease. Eat a fig daily.


After drying the orosa leaves in the sun, grind them and make their sufof. Add fifty grams of honey to three grams of saffron and dry it. Lick this soap 3 to 4 times a day. Crush fifty grams of Orosa flowers, sprinkle two teaspoons of sugar on them and keep them in the sun. Turn it to the rose side for 4 weeks. Then put this mixture in a bowl and keep it. Eat half a spoon daily in the morning and evening.

Black pepper

Grind 8 to 10 pieces of black pepper and dissolve it by adding a little butter. Then add a pinch of ginger powder and mix it. Consume a pinch of this mixture every two hours daily. This will reduce your tuberculosis.